Transformative Leadership Education

Capabilities that Facilitate Social Transformation
From Justice to Unity: How Just Actions Contribute to a Peaceful World
This book offers the tools needed to create a culture of acceptance, cooperation, and mutuality, with practical suggestions of how to promote justice, confront injustice, and foster unity on every level of society -- in your home, workplace, organization, and community.
It will help you to:
Expand your vision of a just, peaceful, united society, presenting practical ideas of what each of us can do
Discover methods to question unconscious ways of thinking and acting, replacing it with a coherent framework that you can begin to apply immediately
Cultivate the ability to confront injustice in society through constructive resilience
Feel empowered to enact change in the world around you
To aid in exploring more deeply the concepts, the book includes numerous discussion questions and suggests a variety of additional resources.
Results-Based Leadership: Heighten Unity and Motivation with a Shared, Principle-Based Vision
When you and your principal collaborators consult together to formulate a shared, principle-based vision, express it concisely, and then work with all members of the organization until they fully understand and identify with it, the results will be greater unity, cooperation, and motivation. Daily activities will become more meaningful and the vision becomes a compass that facilitates decision-making.
By applying the easy-to-follow guidelines presented in the book, you will understand the power of formulating a vision, have a method to develop it, and know how to help the members of your organization identify with it.
Then, your organization will have a vision that members are motivated to achieve.
As a result, they will become more productive, more united during consultation, and more willing to cooperate with others in achieving their common goal.
How to Design Dynamic Learning Sessions: A Guide to Preparing Classes that Your Students Love
When we teach something, we assume that the listeners learn it. But that is often not the case. Even a few hours after we've explained something, if we ask a question about it, many cannot respond. For learning to occur, the students or participants need active involvement. ​
An easy way to achieve this is to design a class or a presentation, using the learning cycle, with its phases of experience, reflection, conceptualization, and application. We begin by defining a learning objective that indicates what the participants will be able to DO once the class has finished.
Then we plan participatory activities that correspond to the different phases, in which the participants converse with one another and carry out practical applications. As a result, they appropriate what they are learning and begin to think about and use it.
This book contains all of the contents of How to Design Dynamic Learning Sessions, including further sections that are especially relevant when we are designing a workshop that may last a full day or more, or even a series of classes that build on one another.
The new sections in this book focus on:
How to design workshops focused on capabilities, including both performance and learning objectives
The importance of questioning mental models before sharing new approaches to a topic
How to integrate different types of motivation so that participants are more likely to practice what they learn
The characteristics of a facilitator that lead to deeper learning
Personal Transformation Improving Relationships