Transformative Leadership Education
Giving Love and Encouragement: Easy Practices for Bettering Your Relationships
Although we often think of love as a feeling over which we have no control, in fact, we can decide to love and increase our ability to love. We begin by using practices that increase our thoughts of love, then learn to be more loving in our words and actions.
To encourage others, we need to have attitudes of abundance and acceptance, coupled with positive expectations of others.
These positive attitudes need to be accompanied by skills, such as
- Praising effectively
- Helping others to understand the significance of their work
- Giving them opportunities to develop their potential and
- Accompanying them with an appreciative gaze as they develop new skills and capabilities.
The Benefits of Unity in Diversity: How to Use the Clash of Ideas to Make Better Decisions
How can we learn not only to work harmoniously with people of different professions, races, cultures, or ways of thinking but also take advantage of diversity to make better decisions and carry out more complex projects than we could achieve with a group of people who think alike?
An open mind, a positive attitude, and a commitment to the well-being of all are essential. Then, learning and practicing the art of consultation in decision-making is key. In this process, we strive to practice certain guidelines, such as:
• Fomenting affection, harmony, and sincerity among the members.
• Sharing what one’s conscience dictates
• Expressing opinions with courtesy, dignity, care, and moderation
• Listening carefully to the ideas of others
• Not disparaging the ideas of others nor getting upset if someone contradicts our ideas
• Integrating the positive points of different opinions, striving to reach a unanimous decision,
• Collaborating in carrying out the decisions made